
Exposed Data


Each Rest resource contains a fields method. This method returns an array of strings specifying the columns you want to expose. This fields are accessible in terms of selecting and mutating.

To add a field to a resource, you may simply add it to the resource's fields method.

public function fields(\Lomkit\Rest\Http\Requests\RestRequest $request)
    return [

Conditional field exposing

You might want to choose the fields you are exposing depending on the user. You can achieve this by conditioning the fields method:

public function fields(\Lomkit\Rest\Http\Requests\RestRequest $request)
    $fields = [

    if ($request->user()->isAdministrator()) {
        array_push($fields, 'password');

    return $fields;


Each Rest resource contains a scopes method. This method returns an array of strings specifying the scopes you want to expose.

To add a scope to a resource, you may simply add it to the resource's scopes method.

    public function scopes(\Lomkit\Rest\Http\Requests\RestRequest $request)
        return [

Conditional scope exposing

You might want to choose the scopes you are exposing depending on the user. You can achieve this by conditioning the scopes method:

public function scopes(\Lomkit\Rest\Http\Requests\RestRequest $request)
    $scopes = [

    if ($request->user()->isAdministrator()) {
        array_push($scopes, 'numbered');

    return $scopes;


Each Rest resource contains a limits method. This method returns an array of numbers specifying the limits you want to allow.

To add a limit to a resource, you may simply add it to the resource's limits method.

    public function limits(\Lomkit\Rest\Http\Requests\RestRequest $request) {
        return [

Conditional limits specifying

You might want to choose the limits you are exposing depending on the user. You can achieve this by conditioning the limits method:

public function limits(\Lomkit\Rest\Http\Requests\RestRequest $request)
    $limits = [

    if ($request->user()->isAdministrator()) {
        array_push($limits, 1000);

    return $limits;

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